Brief is...
A complete case management solution
Brief covers all aspects of the court process from initiation to finalisation and publication of Judgments. We work with Courts globally and across all jurisdictions to digitise their end to end legal processes. As a fully managed service Brief has been designed without the need for any coding expertise once implemented. Our workflow & business rules engines provide users with complete control & the ability to keep pace with change. Integration with your existing enterprise applications can be achieved through our existing integration tools.

To meet your court’s unique rules and procedures
The end to end solution is rapidly configurable whatever your jurisdiction’s approach to justice is. Court Forms, Court Rules (including fees) and practice directions can be configured by Court Staff with no need for coding skills. Our complete suite of APIs enables seamless integrations to your existing enterprise systems.

E-filing & public access
Optimised e-filing platform & secure web based access
The e-filing platform allows litigants to work with the convenience of digital while removing data entry errors & streamlining case initiation & document filing processes. Public access gives secure 24/7 real time web based access to Case data and the Court file, seamlessly connecting parties & the Court.
How it Works.
We map Brief to fit your legal policy & procedure
Our people have legal background which makes understanding your rules and practice and inter-preting those into the configuration of Brief straightforward. Our RAPID methodology is a stepped process ensuring we configure your application according to your legal compliance regime.

Step 1: Review
We start by reviewing your court rules and practice directions and reduce these to a set of diagrams that align to the digitised equivalent.

Step 2: As-is modelling
We model your as-is internal processess and workflow to define the end to end needs for implementing this to-be digital process and workflow.

Step 3: Practical assessment
The modelling stages inform the build of interactive experience. This proof of concept assists stakeholders to visualise how Brief will operate within their environment.

Step 4: Iterate
Using the proof of concept we iterate through rounds of requested modifications to the point of demonstrating the end-to-end operation of configurations.

Step 5: Deliver
With a proof-of-concept configured to your needs, we deliver the production environment aligned to your requirements.
Our customers.
Our work in digital justice spans numerous Jurisdictions. We work directly with Courts, as well as with technology and professional service providers.

Ready to start your digital journey?
Elex Ratio is a professional services organisation specialising in consulting and systems integration for Courts globally. ‘Brief’ is its commercial product for end-to-end digital justice solutions.